January 31, 2023
Nish Shetty is a partner at Clifford Chance (Singapore Office), where he heads its Litigation and Dispute Res on many complex cross solution practices for the Asia Pacific region . He has advised jurisdictional disputes in the past 22 years including arbitrations in Europe and Asia. Nish is on the panel of arbitrators of the key arbitral institutions in the region. He is the founder and ex-chairman of the SIAC’s Users Council and the first in Asia to be appointed as a Judge of Appeal on the F IA International Court of Appeal in Paris. Nish is qualified in both England & Wales and Singapore.
His Arbitration experience includes acting for:
- PNGSDP in an ICSID arbitration in relation to the (alleged) expropriation of shares in the Ok Tedi gold and copper mine in PNG by the PNG Government. This largest ICSID claim in history by Singapore is the company
- Churchill Mining and Planet Mining in their ICSID arbitrations against the Indonesian government arising from the cancellation of their mining licenses
- an international company in a US$350 million BIT dispute with an Asian government
- a global bank in a SIAC arbitration proceeding arising out of a dispute under a shareholder agreement regarding a US$60 million investment in an Indian technology company and its Dubai-based subsidiary. The dispute involved allegations of significant fraud and legal proceedings in various jurisdictions, including India, London, Dubai, and South Africa. It involved one of the first-ever applications to obtain emergency relief, including worldwide Mareva relief, under the SIAC emergency arbitrator provisions
- companies owned and controlled by one of India’s most prominent developers on four LCIA arbitrations against a UK listed entity arising out of US$2.5 billion de velopment projects in India
- a leading Dubai based conglomerate in a SIAC arbitration against a BVI entity backed by an Indian promoter. This is a shareholder dispute between the parties arising out of investment in a power plant in India (worth US$1.1 billion) under a joint venture
- JPMP (a subsidiary of JP Morgan) in an SIAC International Arbitration arising out of the Leveraged Buyout of the Metalform Group of Companies and related proceedings in Singapore & Mauritius
- a leading Iranian manufacturing compa ny in a dispute with a local manufacturing company and its Japanese parent company, in an International Arbitration in relation to a claim in excess of US$40 million (SIAC)
- an oil and gas contractor pursuing claims against the owner of an FPSO facility und er SIAC arbitration. The dispute concerned a potential claim of US$22 million with a counterclaim by the owner for a similar amount
- Alstom against Insigma in relation to a jurisdictional challenge based on the ability of the SIAC to administer an ICC arbitration
- a major corporate in a series of parallel SIAC arbitrations against a state-owned Vietnamese shipbuilding company. Our clients achieved a complete victory and the Awards were rendered within nine months of the appointment of Tribunal
- private investo director. rs in a SIAC arbitration against a Thaibased fund and fund Our clients achieved a complete victory and the Tribunal rendered the Award within six months of its appointment
- Korean and Swiss entities in respect of a SIAC arbitration regarding the goods and services for a construction project in the Middle East
- a leading Indian trading house in a multisupply of million dollar SIAC international arbitration against a Korean multinational chaebol for the supply of iron-ore
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Mr. Daniel H. Sharma
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