January 31, 2023
John Christopher Thomas QC practices in the field of international trade and commercial law with an emphasis on trade and investment regulation, commercial disputes and international dispute settlement. He was educated at the University of British Columbia , B.A. and LL.B., Sussex University, M.A., and Columbia University, LL.M. He is the founding editor of InvestorState LawGuide, an online legal research database on investment treaty arbitration law. He is a national of Canada and was appointed Queen’s Co unsel in 2002
He is presently the Head of the International Dispute Resolution (Practice Skills) programme at the National University of Singapore’s Centre for International Law. While in private practice he acted he acted as an external legal advisor in the negotiation of international investment and trade agreements such as the NAFTA and other regional treaty negotiations. In addition to advising on treaty negotiations, he acted as an external legal counsel in many international disputes before GATT, Ca nadaU.S. Free Trade Agreement, WTO, and NAFTA panels and tribunals. He also acted in many in domestic administrative law procedures (antidumping and countervailing duty cases), and in contentious proceedings before the superior courts of Canada.
Mr. Tho mas has acted as an arbitrator in many international commercial and investment treaty disputes, administered under the ICSID, UNCITRAL, SCC, SIAC, HKIAC, and ICSID Additional Facility Rules.